Thank you and sorry for the long absence.
In fact, with Maya40 I get ideas for more traditional dresses from Central Europe, Eastern Europe. She helps me with textures images. I made for her a Hungarian skirt with 3 different footwear, but I let her retexture with Hungarian patterns as she finds them more easily than me on Internet.
For the Finnish Gipsy or Kale dress, I discovered about the existence of this Tsigani community in Finland in a video documentary at youtube called "Romanipen", thus also their very special dresses that they wear all the time, daily.
For long very colourful Roma dresses from Romania I found a site with nice textures of skirts on sale and the site is based in Romania.
I also remade a Sankta Lucia (Sweden) dress (but it's a conversion from a Sifix dress) with candle crown and a Erschsims wreath 4to2. But I'll share this in December, as Sankta Lucia is a festivity celebrated traditionally on Dec. 13th, also with the performance of a song in Swedish "Sankta Lucia" which has a Napolitan version in Italian.
I need ideas and finds of S4 clothes having all to do with Central-Eastern Europe. For the moment I also found something nice, hopefully not painful to convert, a Siberian dress with some kind of thick winter boots. I converted a German folklore dress(vintagesimstress_BavarianDressandHat) but had to do something tricky for another shawl mesh to apply (but it flickers and there's nothing that can be done about it).
For now I'm also able to combine bits of S2 meshes with S4 converted clothes, especially on sleeves which once converted tend to have the armpit area "fall down" a bit. I don't use Blender (except to decimate what is high poly) and do all conversions via Milkshape. Little by little I use some small tricks on difficult meshes.
Once for a Zouyou cloak from a set I converted entirely (northdesertWindChimes), it looked so bad once converted that I redid it all over row by row with a perfect rectangular bit from a RomanLady dress (by Vanity Demise) back scarf. It has taken me about two days but now it looks very good.
All is shown at my Dreamwidth, even if I don't share all conversions (because of TOUs and/or because some things are really high poly, like one super great head jewel by Zouyou from northdesertChimes - it shut down my Milkshape as OBJ...).