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Вы здесь » Sim Angeles » Registration, download and other guidances » How to register
Registration on our forum is super easy like on any other forum.
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Thank you very much. I am in the process of making a list of Russian words used on forums like "log in", 'register" "post", preview", so to translate them in both English and French. I can do this easily from Google when I type in there "preview in Russian" for example.
Bonnie, Lithia15,
Thank you, guys! I'm sure this will be very helpful.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Hello im new and i love love your cc .. Wanting to use some in my game, Im trying i dont understand russian but im trying to get through this,
Lorena Garcia Quesada,
Gina Arroyo,
Welcome to SA!
Gina Arroyo,
No problem, we can speak English.
If you have any questions feel free to PM to me.
Вы здесь » Sim Angeles » Registration, download and other guidances » How to register